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The EMBRACE study groups offer practitioners a deeper exploration of looking at our Plum Village practice through the eyes of neuroscience and trauma-informed principles.

The study groups began in 2020 and have been offered online every year since then, usually in the spring and/or fall. When possible, we support two sessions: one on a Sunday and one on a weekday evening, with attempts to accommodate different time zones.

These study groups combine readings, videos in the context of both large and small group discussions, and practices. Each study group is limited to about 30-35 participants to allow for more engaged interactions. We are currently using Unshakeable as our main text with references to other resources.

The EMBRACE study groups are not a substitute for therapeutic conversations around trauma and are not meant to be places for trauma processing.

Please subscribe to the EMBRACE email listserv to be notified about future study group offerings.

Embodying Mindfulness-Based Resilience to Awaken Community Empowerment

©2022 by EMBRACE Sangha. Mindfully created with

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